HEROM. Journal on Hellenistic and Roman Material Culture

It’s published once a year, normally in July by the Institute of Heritage Science of the National Research Council of Italy in cooperation with University of Catania, Department of Humanities

Subscribers can opt for a print subscription, an electronic version of the printed journal, or a combination (“combo”) package that includes the print and electronic versions.

The digital edition of HEROM is hosted by the Torrossa Digital Library, a digital platform of the Casalini Libri (and includes table of content alerts, email alerts when new content matches saved search terms, and citation management).

All HEROM content beginning with volume 8 (2019). For the previous issues, from 1 to 7, i.e., from 2012 up 2018, you can contact the previous publisher, Leuven University Press (www.herom.be). The print volumes from 8, 2019, can be ordered directly to Casalini: orders@casalini.it

HEROM. Journal on Hellenistic and Roman Material Culture

It’s published once a year, normally in July by the Institute of Heritage Science of the National Research Council of Italy

Subscribers can opt for a print subscription, an electronic version of the printed journal, or a combination (“combo”) package that includes the print and electronic versions.

The digital edition of HEROM is hosted by the Torrossa Digital Library, a digital platform of the Casalini Libri (and includes table of content alerts, email alerts when new content matches saved search terms, and citation management).

All HEROM content beginning with volume 8 (2019). For the previous issues, from 1 to 7, i.e., from 2012 up 2018, you can contact the previous publisher, Leuven University Press (www.herom.be). The print volumes from 8, 2019, can be ordered directly to Casalini: orders@casalini.it

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Library agents receive 10% discount on online subscriptions. When ordering more than 10 subscriptions we offer 12% discount and for more than 20 subscriptions a discount of 15% is applicable. For more information, please contact.

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Non-subscribers pay-per-view online articles: € 15,00

Subscription and renewal information

To sign up for a subscription, contact info@casalini.it. All subscriptions are annual based. Current subscriptions include access to backfiles. Renewal notices will be sent annually in February.