HEROM is an online journal, published biannually from 2015 onward, presenting innovative contributions to the study of material culture produced, exchanged, and consumed within the spheres of the Hellenistic kingdoms and the Roman world. The journal publishes papers in the full range of the scholarly field and in all relevant academic disciplines within the arts, humanities, social and environmental sciences.
HEROM creates a bridge between material culture specialists and the wider scientific community with an interest in how humans interacted with and regarded artefacts from the late 4th century BC to the 7th century AD.
The journal seeks to provide more visibility for studies of material culture in many ways which are not necessarily covered by existing scholarly journals or conference proceedings. HEROM studies material culture in its totality, with a view to clarifying complex wider implications for the study of daily life, economy, society, politics, religion and history of the ancient world, among other aspects.
The journal is open to international research submitted by individual scholars as well as by interdisciplinary teams, and especially wishes to promote work by junior researchers and new and innovative projects.
All papers result from careful reflection and the argumentation is clearly presented, with attention to the broader significance of the results. Papers make an original and significant contribution to the study of Hellenistic and Roman material culture.
Accessibility to the non-specialist reader is to be kept in mind, and citations in ancient languages should always be translated. Papers with the potential to stimulate further discussion in the Journal will be preferentially accepted. Challenging research themes can be explored in dedicated issues, and theoretical approaches are welcomed.
The Journal is run by the Editors, with the appreciated help of the Scientific Committee. HEROM contains Guaranteed Peer Reviewed Content (GPRC).
All papers undergo a strict review procedure according to international academic standards. HEROM is in favour of revealing authorship to reviewers, as well as revealing the identities of reviewers to authors but will respect anonymity if requested. Authors of papers which have been accepted will need to take the detailed comments of the reviewers into account before final submission.
November issue: submission of the (ready for review) manuscript before 1 May of the same year.
Manuscripts should not exceed 10.000 words (notes and references not included).
The manuscript is submitted to the Editors in a current WORD for Windows version, sent by email as well as by first class airmail including a CD/DVD, accompanied by a print-out and hard copy of all illustrations, drawings, tables and graphs. Use top, bottom, right and left margins of 2 cm on an A4 format. Use single line spacing and 6 pt spacing-after for paragraphs. Do not use double returns, or any other additional formatting of the text. Choose Times New Roman, 14 pt-bold-centred for the title, 12 pt-bold centred for the author(s) and their institutional affiliation(s), 12 pt-justified
for the body text and 10 pt-left for the footnotes. The body text is not formatted in columns. An abstract of about 300 words and a set of keywords are provided as a separate file and will be used to augment web-based search tools.
The preferred language for publications submitted to HEROM is English, but the journal will also consider contributions in Italian, French or German. HEROM acknowledges that the use of one or other language can be preferred Instructions
to authors 261 when a paper is intended to contribute to a specific debate in the world of Hellenistic and Roman archaeology. Non-native speakers in any of these languages are advised to have their contributions corrected by a native speaker before submitting.
surname of author(s), year of publication, reference to specific pages or illustrative material:
Hayes 1972, pp. 33-35.
Hayes 1972, p. 33, Fig. 14.
Bitton-Ashkelony 2005 (for double names of authors)
Brittain and Harris 2010 (for two authors)
Tilley et al. 2006 (for more than two authors)
A list of references follows the paper. References should be complete. When available, references to journal articles should include the DOI-reference (see http://www.crossref.org/guestquery/).
Please use the following formats:
For monographs
Chapman 2000 = J. Chapman, Fragmentation in Archaeology: People, Places and Broken Objects in the Prehistory of South-Eastern Europe, London, 2000.
For a volume in a series
Di Giuseppe 2012 = H. Di Giuseppe, Black-Gloss Ware in Italy. Production management and local histories, (BAR International Series 2335), Oxford, 2012.
For an edited volume
Dobres and Robb 2000 = M.-A. Dobres, J. Robb, eds., Agency in archaeology, London, 2000.
For a contribution to an edited volume
Bintliff 2011 = J. Bintliff, The death of archaeological theory?, in J. Bintliff, M. Pearce, eds., The death of archaeological theory?, Oxford, 2011, pp. 7-22.
For a contribution to a journal
Brittain and Harris 2010 = M. Brittain, O. Harris, Enchaining arguments and fragmenting assumptions: reconsidering the fragmentation debate in archaeology, “World Archaeology”, 42/4, pp. 581-594. http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.1080/00438243.2010.518415.
In case more than one publication of the same year of the same author is cited, the year is followed by a, b and so on, in both footnotes and the list of references (e.g. Hayes 1993a, pp. 16-19).
Please check previous issues of HEROM for more examples.
Number of illustrations: max. 15 (¼ page, ½ page). Number of graphs and tables: max. 10. All submitted drawings, illustrations, graphs and tables follow at the end of the paper. The authors should indicate preferred positions in the text of their illustrative material by adding instructions in square brackets, [e.g. fig 1 close to here], but the final lay-out is coordinated by the editors. All illustrative material should be submitted free of copyrights for printed and online copy. All computer generated illustrative material should be submitted as a high quality print out and as a digital file (preferably .tiff or .jpg, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi). Scales should be included in the illustration or be clearly indicated. Original photographs
and drawings will be returned to the corresponding author after printing, upon request.
Tables should be formatted as simple as possible, using simple lines between rows and columns. Graphs are only generated in a current Excel for Windows version, and supplied both as print-out and as file, including the raw data.
A separate list of captions should mention creditors and source, whenever necessary.
Reference to illustrative material in the body text is formatted as follows: (Fig. 10) (Fig. 10-11) [used for both drawings and other types of illustrations], (Table 1) (Table 1-3) and (Graph 1) (Graph 5-6).
The following standard abbreviations are used:
110 AD – 232 BC – Cat. – cf. – ed. – esp. – i.e.
Measurements are indicated as follows: H = height; W = width; L = length; Th = thickness; Diam = diameter; cm = centimetre; m = meter; km = kilometre.
Only one proof will be send to the corresponding author. This is an opportunity to dot the i’s and cross the t’s, but not for rewriting, moving, completing or adding texts.
The corresponding author will receive a pdf-file of the final version of the article, as printed. The author is allowed to archive this ‘version of record’, i.e. a PDF file of the contribution as published, on the author’s personal website upon publication and to deposit his/her contribution in an institutional repository no sooner than 12 months after publication date, provided the copyright of the publisher is acknowledged, the full bibliographical reference to the contribution in this volume is included, and a hyperlink to the publisher’s website if possible.
Herom – Book for review can be sent to
Daniele Malfitana
Università di Catania
Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche
Via Biblioteca, 4, 95124 – Catania (I)
Only one proof will be send to the corresponding author. This is an opportunity to dot the i’s and cross the t’s, but not for rewriting, moving, completing or adding texts.
Daniele Malfitana
Jeroen Poblome
John Lund
Daniele Malfitana:
Jeroen Poblome:
Designer - Webmaster: Salvatore Vinci